Arctic cruise tourism is a cross-border activity in all Arctic countries. The interest in Arctic cruising continues to grow, and an increasing number of operators and cruise vessels are involved. As more passenger ships enter the Arctic, safety and SAR preparedness is a priority for the cruise industry and SAR responders.
Cruise industry representatives, SAR responders and other relevant stakeholders have described the four previous joint SAR events, organized in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019, as highly valuable for strengthening Arctic SAR. Dialogue and cooperation have developed, and there is a greater understanding of the competencies, capacities and capabilities of the different actors, as well as limitations and potentials. This joint SAR TTX and workshop gathers industry representatives and SAR entities to an event that has consolidated its reputation as a highly important networking platform.
To further develop this important cross-border collaboration, the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators, the Icelandic Coast Guard and the Joint Rescue Coordination Center in Northern Norway invite all relevant interested parties to join us for the Fifth Arctic SAR Workshop & TTX on April 15 – 16, 2020.
The event is organized within the framework of ARCSAR, an EU-funded Arctic and North Atlantic Security andEmergency Preparedness Network. The ARCSAR network addresses the Arctic and North-Atlantic (ANA) egion preparing to cope with the security and safety hreats that will result from increased commercial activity n the region including traffic through the Northern passages, cruise traffic, and offshore oil and gas activity.